Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 2nd Training Vlog

This morning I was quite tired from the Partner Trapeze work I did the night before.  I couldn't get that on video because it is for an upcoming show and I don't want to spoil it.

Today I decided to do a series of moves only about 5 to 6 times and do them right after one another.  I chose to do High Bar Giants and Toe Shoot Front Tucks,  J Step to Cork, and Lever to handstand in Hollow Position.  This was a very minuscule workout but like I said I was tired and High Bar was a B$*^$ to say the least, I had one of my worst falls ever off the high bar, but some how when I was falling I was just like "Don't Care, too Tired" and just let it happen. Remember that these are my training sessions they are not the cool videos I like to make that show me landing all of my skills, this is the down and dirty work when I screw up a lot and learn from my mistakes.

Lessons Learned:   I have to learn how to slow down my giant if I want to combo it into the toe shoot front tuck.    Also I have to do much better shapes in general because my giant is strength based and I could be making it a lot easier on myself.  Secondly the Cork Screw, Until know I didn't realize why I was having such a hard time with it, especially since I was doing very well with them for a while, however I think it has a direct correlation with doing my Rudy (front layout with a one and a half twist) with an opposite side take off to my front aerial.  You see when you do an Aerial Rudy you spin away from your kicking leg and when you do an opposite side take off kind of like a Raiz you spin into your kicking leg and in my opinion that is way easier because your going with the kick instead of against it.  You can see in this earlier video what I mean. 

Also keep in mind I was very fresh that day so I had much greater spin and lift. 

Any way what I am trying to explain is that in my recent cork I would do my J step Cheat Gainer kicking my right leg up high and over my shoulder I would chase my trailing leg (left jumping leg) to aid my spin, for some reason it helped me get more twist, but only further training will tell me if this actually works or was just a fluke.  As far as my handstand goes it felt pretty good, Trying to slow it down and find the push through my shoulders more and in my opinion I accomplished that. 

Until next time


Francesco Caban

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