Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Training Vlog November 20th

Happy as a little school boy today.  So after last weeks dead lifts I said okay lets see of the old max still stands.  As I said before my last max was 375lbs.  My goal today was just to keep adding weight until every Power Lifting Rubber weight was off the rack and on the bar.  I didn't want to count the weight, I didn't want to even know or think about it.  All I thought about was victory.  That each weight just needed commitment and that all I needed to do is keep moving forward, that if I didn't give up the weight would say "This guy won't quit, okay I give up!"  and I would lift it.  After that I decided to do some Standing Jumps, A Jumps, and Plyo Jumps.  I stuck with doing about 10 of each, starting with the hardest variation on two feet, a normal standing jump.  In each new variation I increased the speed thus decreasing the amount of force necessary but due to me still putting force in it I was able to jump higher.  I handicapped myself so that I could overload the muscles making it easier to jump once I added speed.  Is this by any means a very impressive standing jump, not really, to my standards my jump is okay, but it can be so much greater and I know it will. 

Lesson Learned:
The feeling of accomplishing your goal (a realistic one) is always going to give you a strong uplifted feeling for the rest of the day.  I beat my last max by 10lbs,  Now I am up to 385lbs.  the next few sessions of dead lifts will be geared toward reps at a lower weight but keeping my back neutral.  I don't use a weight belt, i have a very strong core and I feel the weight belt is a luxury versus a necessity that though beneficial at a safety level is not as important if your being mindful.  I need to get my butt down more and get my chest vertical.   As far as my vertical jump (plyometrics if you will)  I just need to push more and feel that lift, I want to be able to vertical jump my shoulder height (that means I will need to get my feet up that high in a tucked position)  I can do this from a run no problem but standing still in the blink of an eye I want to spring up like a cat. Some inverted knees might help, Damned Quadrupeds.   Happy Training.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

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