if you look at my November 16th training vlog you can see I was having a much better cork that
day and I used that model for January 18th.
As you can see the flash gainer switch is a great prerequisite for the cork versus just a slant gainer because it allows you to follow through with a more stacked position for landing, has an element of leg switching and focuses more on flipping.
The cork I want to resemble is done by none other then 3Runs Chase Armitage and Loop Kicks Anis Cheufra. In my opinion it is flawless. Both of these guys have had extensive martial arts training which I have not and I know that helps with fast twitch muscle fibers, I am a little slower then these guys but it is still what i want to work up to. Of course my friend Chase Jarvis has an excellent cork as well.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

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