Thursday, February 23, 2012

Training for memory

Man do I feel good.

Been getting plenty of rest and recovery.
My strength and power has gone through the roof. 
My Skill sets are increasing like a whole new me.

Since adopting the train the nervous system for maximal output method I feel I have really began to understand my skills even more. 

My 720 outside crescent is about 20 degrees off so it will come soon
My double back is within reach
My Rudy is doing so well I feel that probably after one more session I will be throwing them outside.

Strength wise I decided to test my power lifting skills and see where I was at with that.
My dead lift is at 375lbs and my back squat is at 245lbs and my current weight is 167lbs.
so far so good and I know that those number will increase with a bit of training my nerves and muscles. I am pretty happy with my results considering I have done very little weight work in my training regime.  It just goes to show that you can truly accomplish great things with just body weight exercise and not putting a limit on what you know your max is.  However, now that I know my max I am going to break through those barriers like none other.

Also I am still training my isometric holds such as levers, iron crosses, planches and flags.  All of them feel much stronger and my free standing handstand has improved greatly.  I have been adding weight to my pulling exercises and my dips to see if it helps with breaking through some plateaus.

As far as Break Dancing goes my power moves are getting better every time.  My flair is starting to make better sense and my air flair is showing signs of possible existence(I can do one crappy one.) 

I have been interested in making tricking combos recently as I have never really had any that I feel are strictly tricking.  I usually have one tricking move and then 3 tumbling moves and I intertwine them.  I enjoy the kicking element a lot and it opens a lot of doors for new skill development.

Nutrition wise I invested in a multi vitamin  right now I am using Living Green Liquid Gel Multi for men.  I like it.  Soon I will invest in a shake powder again.  I got a hold of Jujimufu from and he gave some direction on where to go to get some good quality customized shake blends.   

Like I said I feel great and I have had a lot of opportunities arrive for me to explore.  More on those in the next post perhaps though.  I also have been doing a lot of reflection and writing to deliver better education through teaching.  See you all at Sunset Saturday this weekend sat 3 to 6 pm meet on ash and 5th st in tempe going to be fun.

Live Love Inspire


1 comment:

  1. What's the training the nervous system method? Sounds interesting. I am glad you are setting your thoughts down more for teaching, you are such a wealth of knowledge it's good to organize things. Does make it easier to present :)

    Glad things are going so well!

