Sunday, September 29, 2013

I wish I could say I know exactly where I'm going, but the truth is even the best don't know where they are going.  However, I can truthfully say I know what I am doing right now and that is really what I care about "Right Now."

I have things that come and go as goals, I work toward them, but there is so much that can happen within that path that I can never say that my goals will be completed. I can only say this moment is completed and in this moment I am dedicating my time to such and such a task.

Weather it is getting stronger by adding weight to my Calisthenics, Taking different approaches to learning  tricks and skills outside my understanding, but inside my reach, learning completely new skills like juggling, taking on new tasks such as a Parkour and Program Director, making time for my girlfriend and family or just doing whatever I feel like.  It is my goal to be dedicated to the moment in which I am doing those things, not the future moment, just the current one.

I don't really know what to say exactly.  I'm a few minutes from bedtime and I find myself speechless with everything that I know, knowing that I know very little about everything.

I guess I'm just going to have to deal with the now, and right now I feel I need to sleep.

Good Night.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Gaining Momentum Training Vlog July 22 to 25

This week is exactly as the title says.  I buckled down and every morning I religiously did Will Roberts (Iron Will Sport and Fitness)  Rehab and Posture exercises. I didn't want to, it was hard, but I wanted to get better so I sucked it up and did the work and it has helped exponentially.

Here's a look at some of the work I did at Movement Connections Park.  There are so many movement opportunities here and it allows for you to have a real world feel and also train safely.  I also threw in some nice time at the Adult Open Gym.  I am playing a lot with transitions and using my basic skills to create new combinations.

Secondly I put together a real time Dynamic Stretching video.  I am sorry the sound is crappy, just turn up the volume.

Also I really like Tatsumaru's Tutorial as well.  Take a look at his if you want.  We pretty much say the same thing, he has a much greater range of mobility in his hips then I do.


Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 20th A New Beginning

In case you have not seen it yet, This Happened

Now if you noticed I used Muse "Madness" as the first song,  because quite literally I felt I was going mad trying to get this place ready for a good opening.  The second part of the video we are using color dust and running around like odd folk.  To me it was a celebration, a form of christening the park and a way to keep the mood light. It might surprise you, but I haven't trained here much myself.  I haven't had time. I've either been  working on it or working up north.  To learn more about hours and up to date information please go here The VIP party went very well, and I am looking forward to traveling practitioners coming by and testing it out.  We will see how the place does as far as bringing in new people.  I know the heart of PK/FR is on the streets and I myself advocate that, but hopefully people will find this place a good spot to work on skills they would otherwise be worried about on hard ground and then beast it out for an amazing show reel on concrete.  This is my life, guiding people along the way.  Not forcing them just guiding them.  This place is for you.  Please use it, as it will only get better.

On a background story.

The past month or so I have been battling the injury from my 6 foot fall to my side on concrete.  My left palm is still bruised causing more stress on the right side of my body, mainly my shoulder.  I have decided to take up an active role in my recovery because it is getting to the point where it is hard to do a simple lache without my shoulder really hurting or a back hand spring.  Now you might think "well that's not that bad"  but to me it it is driving me mad.

Luckily I know how to fix it.  With a combination of grueling massage work to release the tension and using Will Roberts of Iron Will Sports and Fitness Training and rehab methods.  Now this isn't easy, it is difficult, It is some of the hardest stuff I have had to do because of the amount will it takes to put your self through it, but it helps you greatly.  The great thing about this method is that it gets you stronger, faster, and allows you to train every day, and the basic exercises are also rehab.  It is amazing how fast this stuff works.  Iron Will knows his stuff and has helped many people I know.  All it requires from you is full commitment and maximum effort.  If you have a strong will go to Iron Will. Get his E Book it's worth its weight in Gold

That being said this weeks Vlog I am showing some of his recommendations for me. After every session my shoulder feels a little better. The front squat is just my landings not his prescription (yes I know my lower back is tucking under at the bottom, I'm working on it.) I have a little training I did the other night at Adult Open Gym (  )  at the beginning.


Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June 30th

Had to cut down on the training for a few days because of the show I was in over the weekend. I have to perform again this weekend. It went very well and if you have a chance to come see it and you're not too conservative here is the link

I still have a pretty bruised palm and that is making training a little odd, but I am definitely working around it. Nothing to special this time just me working on my Rudys at the gym.  Working a far Kong Pre at Indian School Park and messing around in the stair well.


Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31st

I've been busy :p  Get over it.

First of all.

The park is coming along. A few minor set backs but I still plan on having it fully functional by the end of the June.  It's like a right of passage getting this done and it is part of a long line of goals in regards to the Parkour Community.  Of course all of these goals coincide with a few key points.  They have to better the existing community, they have to make a better starting point for the future community, They have to show that Parkour is a beneficial art and that it deserves recognition.  And since it is part of my career it has to better that too,  fortunately for me by making sure the other goals are in order it helps with my career.

Some of you may know that I have been having Elbow issues in my right Elbow.  I have linked it to a lot of the strenuous yard work I have been doing.  Knowing that I have a lot of very smart friends I decided to ask Iron Will  also known as Will Nathaniel Roberts, a good friend, a pro athlete, actor, Speed and Performance Trainer, and Ninja Warrior beast  a thing or two on how to help out my little issue.  If you have ever trained with Will you haven't experienced a Man with the purest and dedicated agenda as he puts it "Not By Might nor by Power. But by the Spirit of the Lord"

Check him out here
I asked this.

He replied with this.

He is an amazing athlete and he actually wrote a little letter to me a bit ago and went like this. I omitted the place he was talking about out of respect for Will.

Hey bro, just wanted to let you know that I have been doing some training lately at $&&^$ $&$&*&())  Academy here. It has been interesting watching other coaches after training with you. You are definitely a world class coach, Francesco! You really think about progresson and how it applies to each person...and more importantly, what I think really sets you apart is that you genuinely care about the people and really want to see them succeed. Way cool man! Just wantd to let you know. Keep doing what youre doing brother!

I have done a lot of tricking recently and I have been focusing on getting both sides of my tricks so I can be ambidextrous.  It's fun and keeps you from getting lopsided in your training.  I have started to get outside again and I love it so much.  

Here's two weeks for you.


Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 16th-24th

Took a bit of a break from the iron cross this week, got to protect those elbows.  I went up to Lake Havasu for Ian Williams Arizona Advancement Jam and taught a little bit about falling safely if you do not make a jump. 

Started finding better drill for working my front lever and it feels much more satisfying then doing the typical tuck, open tuck, straddle, straight progression.  You just simply invert hold hollow and lower slowly until you have reached your maximum control range, hold for 5 seconds and then pull out of the lever back to invert.

I was originally working my double back and double full on the same day, for new skill development i have decided to not work on the both in the same day if I'm doing heavy repetition. 

I started working my one arm again and feel it is getting much stronger, also started working air baby.

Tried handstand on the rings for the first time, three basic drills for that.  1. Use the straps to assist by wrapping your legs when you feel ready let go and enjoy the ride (it is usually quite short) 2.  Have someone stabilize the rings and give you a slight assist so you aren't getting to much of a wobble.  3.  start at the bottom of a hand stand push up and contract as hard as you can trying to push up to handstand, you develop the strength and awareness both at once.

My Splits are coming along and I am still using three different methods for developing them I just switch week by week.

It's nice to know I haven't lost to much of my parkour skill since I have dived deeper into acro. 


PS:  if you have an extra 20, 10, 5 0r even 1 dollar please take the time to donate to the Parkout Park Fundrazor
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

March 7-15th

I had a beastly week of feeling very accomplished with the training I have been doing.  A lot of personal things going on in my life on top of my usual training.  It just makes the time I have to train all the more valuable to me so I can relax and focus.  I got to seal the some of the wood at the parkour park and messed around with the scaffolding a bit, I also received a new toy everyone will be quite happy with.  Here is weeks vlog.

Still working on my splits, double fulls, double backs, and iron cross.

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week of April 1st to April 7th

The show was an amazing success, we got a standing ovation twice and I got lots of pictures "BIG SMILE."   Today I received my Copy of Flexibility Express, Thomas Kurz New DVD on Developing the Splits  so yeah that's going to be awesome.   I started working my double full and double backs again and much to surprise my ability to do both have dramatically increased.   I am executing the skills from a round off.  The double full is traveling to the right a bit.  With each viewing of the video I take I make small corrections to help evolve the next attempt.  Started Planche work and Front Lever again.  I finally feel I have caught up to the strength I was before my horrible patella tendinitis accident.  My ankle is also much better as my depth squat has improved dramatically. Getting better at my head spins as well.  I receive the Scaffolding for the park on Wednesday I am so excited right now  Any way here is this weeks video and next weeks will be even better.  Oh by the way I have started a donation page through paypal for the park it is here

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 24th-31st

This week has been jam packed full of rehearsals with not a whole lot of time fro personal training, but I can't complain some people have it way worse then me.  In any case the show has been  great success so far "Under The Big Top"  if you haven't seen it yet you might want to.  People have come two nights in a row just because it was so good. 

Ring training continues to improve and I have been getting better at my handstand push ups again (not shown)  Splits getting better in all areas.

The park is coming along, I almost have all the resources necessary to make this really come to fruition. 

"No Pain, No Gain"  take it as you will.  To me it means that there is nothing in life worth doing that doesn't take pain of some sort.  We have to give to receive anything worthwhile.  This pain sometimes is ours alone to bare, but at the same time those who really want to help will show up and help.   I am looking forward to the future, but I am definitely living in the "Now"

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 12-17th

I have a show coming up with scandalesque called "Under the Big Top" I like this one a lot more then the Christmas show, it's more energetic and a full production.

here's my video for last weeks training.

Lesson Learned:
As much as I am an advocate for programing to and progression to develop a new skill, especially a strength based one, I find it is a very stale method of training, especially when you are an expressive mover. So I combine both programing and playing together so I don't go mad. Who wants to be robot anyway.

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of March 3rd

Another Busy Week.

I compiled the whole week in the one video again.  Started it out with some archived video from a previous gym jam.  You may have noticed I posted about forgetting the element of play recently, I have been concentrating so much on my goals that I have forgotten to play and mess around in my sessions a little bit.  This element of play I feel helps me stay fresh and original in my thinking, and actually helps to overcome things I am afraid of.  I can always train specifically to overcome fear, but where is the enjoyment of the everyday play.  So I am trying to focus on that as well.

In general my strength in the iron cross is improving but I feel a lack in other areas, so I am incorporating a series of dynamic movements into my iron cross training to assist my overall strength. 
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, March 1, 2013

February 28th

Just tested my iron cross today and did a few combinations and new skills.

Lesson Learned:

I'm starting to get the hang of the iron cross...ha that was a pun... Any way I need to be able to pull out of it but for the most part I have seen crazy gains in that area of strength.  Just going to keep working it so I can start to work handstands next.  one of the things I learned from the Tempest Pro Takeover is that I need to play more, so I want to see where that takes me too.

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 21st to 27th

Damn I have been busy.  Didn't get to film a ton on the recent trip but there are few snippets of how the days went by.

My split is coming along.  If I keep this up I should be flat to the floor in six weeks.

I have the best sponsors ever they paid for my flight to LA and took care of a few other accommodations on my behalf.  I am happy to be a part of the PK Insure Team.  This company does more then sell clothes, they sell responsibility and allow the community to keep doing what the love while keeping the name of Parkour and Freerunning.  Thank you PK Insure, I look forward to what you can bring to the community and how I can help.

The Tempest Pro Takeover event was awesome. At first I was worried that too many people would make the jam unenjoyable, but because there was so much high spirit it really did make a difference.  It was great to meet Jessi La Flair, Slava, Pasha, Ryan Doyle, and Zephyr and all the other athletes.  They really did help me out in ways beyond Parkour.

Also thank you to Cory Demeyers and Rich King for their help with finding a place to stay and with transportation.  They had their hands full and still showed some love, I appreciate you.

Daniel Cascada you were a great roommate and your enthusiasm kept me company.

And thank you to Jennifer and Elvina Beck for being such great hosts at Pod Share

here is a chronological look at the week, if you wait till the end you will see a little surprise for you practitioners waiting for that park to be finished.

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Training Vlog February 13th

So yeah I'm pretty sore as I thought I would be, I had an excellent day of tumbling and tricking training.  Was just messing with certain types of transitions and making my sets more solid.  a few more days until I get back to my iron cross work.

Lesson Learned:
Just fix one thing at a time and when it becomes automatic work on the next correction, too much problem fixing at once is just as bad as not fixing anything.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 12th

I got sick on Sunday and Monday and didn't feel like training so I took a few days off, also went to the PKFR jam on Saturday and was so happy I did.  It was a beautiful day and met so many nice people.  No footage from that unfortunately but it's not like you need it, check out James Kelly on Facebook he is an excellent videographer. 

I am trying to take a break from iron cross for a week.  Reason being when I first started it I was not using proper alignment until about 3 weeks in and I have stressed my elbows in an unnecessary way if you want to know good arm alignment for crosses look at this specific video. 

So even though I have had amazing strength gains, I have been stressing my elbow joint on the medial side and I need to let it rebuild before progressing forward.  the good news is that I don't feel the pain when resting and I don't feel the pain when doing the correct alignment.  So I will try to lay off of the cross for a week.
Since I have been doing the isometric split exercises I have also noticed the tightness of my injured part of hamstring has become less, which makes me very happy.   I am waiting on some material from the mail of some more detailed exercises for that split.
To recover from my sickness I ate lighter food took a Vitamin Code RAW Antioxidant blend once a day and an Ester-C 1000 mg tablet twice a day  I feel they helped a lot and I also made myself some fresh orange juice with my juicer.
As far as training goes I just did some basics yesterday... kind of, watch the whole thing to see what I mean.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 5th and 6th

So not much to report on anything new just getting more solid on my recent goals.  Iron Cross, landing my cork consistently, developing my precision jump farther, my kong to precision, as well my lache to precision. 

I'm still developing my split and bridge and it is becoming easier to reach my current full range of motion,  I had a little accident with the phyiso ball at the end of practice on the 6th, I was supposed to do a stomach drop and then front tuck out of it...but it decided to reach critical mass instead.  Oh yeah and my air flair is feeling better not good or even performable but i am starting to get the kick better.

Lesson Learned:
Because I have been extremely diligent on developing the iron cross it has automatically helped me get stronger with my back and front levers as well as my backward roll muscle up.  All because of the stability gains.  The beam practice with my precision jumps has taught me to still continue my jumps even if I mess up and do not hit the ball of my foot everytime. I  Think my feet have loosed up a bit so I can just focus on the important part, not falling.  If you watch some of Olegs videos you can see he doesn't always hit the ball of the foot every time either, it is definitely safer and better if you do, but if you miss it you still have the ability to jump, it just doesn't feel as springy. 

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30th 2013

Yay back in action.

I rested over the weekend and had to work on a new Trapeze duet so I wasn't able to train the past two days, also I had to run auditions for the new Parkour Performance team so I had to just watch everybody have fun.  Okay so that is kind of a lie I went for a little barefoot adventure while it was raining saturday morning

Any way this day was awesome I started out with a strong bare foot run, with QM's and muscle ups at one of secret spots.  I had two main goals today get back into my iron cross training, land that lache to precision, and work on my multiple precisions, I had no intention of working my cork or kongs and to my surprise they were working great.  I also trained my split and bridge flexibility, but they are not shown in the video. Oh and by the way I am sorry about the video both my main cameras were acting up so I was forced to use my Ipod to shoot video.

Lesson Learned:
There was a break through in my Cork today I'll explain it in detail later telling what I have been doing to make it better and  what is actually helping.  Also the Lache to precision became super easy today because of a simple addition to my technique.  You see I wasn't casting at all, before I would release from the bar, I would just swing.  The cast is a great way to develop speed and power without to much effort and if you have a good muscle up you can beast mode some stuff quite easily.   
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, January 25, 2013

Training Vlog January 23rd and 25th

Two in one again.

Well my friend Jacky from over seas in Japan (we first met in college and used to train together) gave me some tips on my Corkscrew.  He said I had  to open my hip more when I would jump, I guess I would sometimes keep it closed making my lose my height.  Well with that in mind I had my first training session in cork in the last 3 days.  Also worked my air flare again, remember that is going to be a slow process, and finally got back to my one arm pull up progression. 

Lesson Learned:

I fall down a lot, but when I do good I do good.  I like to have a move down in both a mechanical and emotional way.  So you can;t just feel it, you have to know it.

The next day I worked my Iron Cross again, but this time I used a thera band to make the full Iron Cross actually possible to hold for a few seconds.  I actually really liked this method, so I am glad I tried it, I will be combining it with the Block Assisted one I do.  Decided to work my One Arm Hand Balance in between my sets and after that I worked my new split training method, be very careful if you try this it is some what of a challenge to get out of it.  Later that night I went to the Adult Open Gym and worked some of my tumbling, kong gainers, and just fun stuff.  I got a really horrible tumbling pass on video for your enjoyment.

Lesson Learned:

Explore all drills to help you progress.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 22nd finding my Maximum Minimum

I experimented with Block Cross Pullouts and the height of the assisting block.  After taking another look at my Overcoming Gravity book there are two progressions that I don't have yet that are recommended before starting work on the Iron Cross, but I don't really care, I'll just add those into some maintenance work I do every now and then.  If the box is lower I can concentrate on my form better. 

At the end of the video you see me attempting an odd tunnel flip

I was trying to attempt this move at the end of the day, he does half twist out of it so I guess I have to just hold the pike harder and longer and then kick out of it faster.

Lesson Learned:  The road to progress has no shortcuts, it boils down to grit and dirt and smart hard work.  Sometimes it also boils down to Brussel sprouts.... I'm tired good night.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Training Vlog January 19th

So my obsession paid off.  I decided to hit up Desert Devils today with one goal.  I do my cork 5 times success or fail.  Thing That I forgot about with my skill development is that you can't over train new skill, it is one of the oldest myths of training more to get better.  The more you train the better you get, this may be true but not when it comes to skills that are extremely complex.  The cork is such a move that is complex, it is a single leg flip, that spins and requires you to land on the same leg you took off with... depending on the variation.  So for now I'll keep it smart and just do what will get me gains, after I complete my goal then I have fun, no over training, no getting frustrated and getting angry, who wants that.  I hate getting angry, you get all tense and it is a bunch of useless emotion that doesn't get you any where.  Any way the cork.  I put together a small compilation of my best attempts over the past three days.  I will be giving it a rest for a few days and then train it again. 

The rest of the night I messed around with some tumbling passes, some horrible attempts at kong gainers, giants, cast aways, flares, and air flares.  It was a fun night and just what I needed?


Francesco Caban

Twitter MVMTconnections

Training Vlog January 17 & 18

A jumble of two days put together.  A set of three familiar skills that need work.  I like doing the precision plyos bare foot because it gives me a much greater idea of how much pressure and sensitivity I am using.  The lache to precision is one of those odd things because unless the landing spot is fairly high you really can't see your landing.  And of course the Cork...yes the stupid Cork something I have gained and lost and gained and lost, but the solution is clear, don't over train it, a few times maybe 3 to 5 times per session is all that is necessary.  Had some fun with the beams later on the 17th.

if you look at my November 16th training vlog you can see I was having a much better cork that
day and I used that model for January 18th.
As you can see the flash gainer switch is a great prerequisite for the cork versus just a slant gainer because it allows you to follow through with a more stacked position for landing, has an element of leg switching and focuses more on flipping. 
The cork I want to resemble is done by none other then 3Runs Chase Armitage  and Loop Kicks Anis Cheufra.  In my opinion it is flawless. Both of these guys have had extensive martial arts training which I have not and I know that helps with fast twitch muscle fibers, I am a little slower then these guys but it is still what i want to work up to.   Of course my friend Chase Jarvis has an excellent cork as well.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, January 18, 2013

Training Vlog January 16th

Well when I got bac from Sedona I felt very rested and I felt ready to attack some training.  With a lot of time to train I decided to get back to work on my Iron Cross, Begin to redevelop my Air Flare, train my Rudy, and do a few bar tricks.  At the end of the session I did my split training. 

Lesson Learned:
Iron Cross is definitely feeling stronger but is far from where I want it to be and I shouldn't really have expectations for it at all, it's going t take a long time, and I'm okay with that. Aire flair was fugly, but I am taking  a slightly different approach to it from this video I saw of one guys evolution of his air flare  
I havent thrown my Rudy in a while and I have to say it has improved a lot.  the spin is a super strong and I am getting good rotation.
Messing around on the bars with a little bit of improvisation and trying some new skills is always fun.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Training Vlog January 12th

The Saturday night before I went to Sedona I was restless and had to get some energy out, so I decided to do some playing around with my hand balancing on my vinyl flooring and even though I had to deal with a low ceiling I happened to have a great time.  I did a couple of things on my pull up bar but the only doorway I can use it in is very narrow.

Lesson Learned:

I have been focusing a bit to much on my static strength it is still important to do the dynamic movement.  The life I live is definitely that of a movement artist and every second can be used to make me better at what I love to do. 

Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections

Friday, January 11, 2013

Training Vlog January10th

Yay for tricks and tumbling.

I haven't centered my training around tricks for a couple of weeks so it was a little slow getting into it.  I think I may have found why my spin as been so crappy as of late in my Cork.  I needed to look over my shoulder harder when I began my spin, one I started doing that I really began to feel the tork.

With my Aerial to flash kick it's all about that good aerial and then swing your arms up super hard into your flash kick.  It's feeling better then ever and when I get more comfortable with it It's going to be a sick combo.

My round off back handspring back tuck focus was mainly on pushing through my toes and not jamming my ankles and heels into the ground.  This is crucial for longevity in the joints especially if your a hard ground tumbler.  I felt next to nothing on my ankles when I pushed off so that was great. However, I did notice I started to cross my legs a bit in my round off, oh well.
Francesco Caban
Twitter MVMTconnections