Friday, June 29, 2012

So with the tour coming closer and the end of my days at Scottsdale Gymnastics (for now) counting down I find myself both excited, but torn.    I am just starting to get more students at the gym interested in Parkour/Freerunning.  I want to make the program much better and I know I can I just need to write it out and hand it in, it's that simple.  I guess time will tell.

I did my first interview today with the Lovely Tracy Berghian (Gymnast/Diver)  30 and still rockin it. She will make a fantastic contribution to the web series, thank you Tracy. 

I have found myself at a point where I don't really have any goals, sure I have physical goals but I need destinations or things to look forward to.  So I have decided that I can obtain happiness if I follow a path.  That path is to work my ass off for two to three months at a time and then go on a 1 month vacation to learn and train in as many places as I can.  I have always wanted to travel and learn like Ken from Street Fighter.  I know there is much I still can learn in Arizona, but the thrill of traveling and sharing stories as well as just being a part of the culture is just so intriguing to me.  Plus I would be able to bring back so much knowledge and ideas. 

It has been hard to think that the adult open gym I started and the other classes are not going to be mine any more, and it is only recently that I feel the appreciation that my students have for me.  It sounds awful to say it because I know that the students are always grateful, but to hear them thank me for all that I have done, and to hear that I have made an impact in their lives, that to me is so special.  Thank you for that.

I felt kind of lacking in the conditioning department as of late so I did a little cercuit earlier:

5 minutes of Rice Bucket for each hand as warm up and ankle therband mobility drills

3 times through

8 over grip dead hang pull ups with 20 pounds strapped to me

10 Pistols on each leg

12 psuedo planche push ups

20 v ups

No that hard for me really, but it relaxed me, it felt good.

I may be getting an ASU gym membership for the rest  of the summer and might start teaching strength acrobatic privates and parkour privates using the equipment I have in the storage room upstairs.  Also I will be becoming more involved at ASU in general.  I love that school and the teachers there that helped me so much.

I got a bit creative at the adult open gym and did a fancy vault I have only seen one other person do, if I can get it down I will record and post it. 


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